Dr. John

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   Location:  176 Building 85
   Tue/Thur:  9:30-10:30am & 4-5pm
   Wednesday:  9:30-10:30am & 4-5pm
   Office #:  (850) 474-2303
   Email:  jpecore@temple.edu

Sunshine State Standards for Science
National Science Education Standards
Project 2061- Benchmarks
Project 2061- Science for all Americans


 SCE 4310 Teaching Science in Elementary School (K-6)
EDM 3322 Integrated Methods I for Middle school (5-9)

Course Links
Course Information
Teaching science in elementary school is an introduction to teach science in K-6 level settings. It is designed to address three basic goals. First, we will examine how science is done (Nature of science), what it means to understand science and be scientifically literate, and what it takes to promote meaningful instruction. Second, we will focus on learning some science together by engaging in scientific inquiry, just as you might do with your students. Third, we will examine methods of teaching by thinking about: what we need to teach in science, what children (and adults) typically think about specific science concepts, and how we want to teach science. Part of studying how we want to teach science includes how to: create a thoughtful trajectory, establish a community of learners, promote communication, choose and use representations and technology effectively, and assess learners’ understanding. During this part of the course we will design and evaluate instruction, materials, and curriculum in terms of how they effectively move student thinking toward meaningful understanding.

EDM 3322

Integrated methods I for middle grades is an introduction to the teacher’s role in delivering content specific curricula within the middle school. Models of teaching are studied to better understand the goals and strategies as well as to support new teachers in developing a broader perspective regarding teaching practice and their implications for student learning. Each model is based on theoretical assumptions, guided by a view of knowledge constructions, and envisions particular teacher-student interactions. As we investigate these models, we will do so with the following three teaching-learning goals in mind: 1) Analyzing beliefs about developing new perspectives on middle school teaching and learning; 2) Developing a deep understanding of models of teaching as a basis of a beginning repertoire; and 3) acquiring the tools to study teaching.