Dr. John

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EDM 3322 Course Schedule
Integrated Methods I for Middle Grades (5-9)           Syllabus (pdf)          Schedule          Assignments          Rubrics

Professional Discussions

Contributes to the learning community by incorporating readings, class activities, and experiences as the basis for discussions.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Promptness and Initiative


Relevance of and Expression Within the quick writes, activities, and discussions

Journal Essays


Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Promptness and Initiative

Relevance of and Expression Within the Post

Contribution to the Learning Community

Lesson Plans

Prepares unit materials using the UbD/5E principles that meets curricular objectives and standards.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Quality, Preparation and Understanding of Teaching Model

  • Does not submit rough drafts in a timely manner.
  • Poor quality.
  • Submits rough drafts by the due date.
  • Neat and readable with some grammatical or typographical errors.
  • Submits rough drafts before the due date.
  • Well organized and attractively presented with few errors.

Stage 1 (Desired results)

  • Incomplete.
  • Title: Lacking.
  • Context: Lacking
  • Project Description: Too brief.
  • Rationale: Lacks reason.
  • Standards: not appropriate.
  • Essential Quest’s: Not connected.
  • Understandings/
    Learning: not Aligned to standards.
  • Contains all components.
  • Title: appropriate.
  • Context: Brief description of target audience.
  • Project Description: Introduces the driving question and relation to topic questions.
  • Rationale: States importance of the lesson to students.
  • Standards: Appropriate for unit and grade level.
  • Essential Questions: Connected to the each other.
  • Understandings: Aligned to the standards
  • Learning Outcomes: Aligned to the standards.
  • Detailed components.
  • Title: creative.
  • Context: Detailed description of the target audience.
  • Project Description: Detailed summary of the unit and flow of lessons.
  • Rationale: States lesson relevancy to students.
  • Standards: Includes important key concepts.
  • Essential Questions: Drive relevant learning.
  • Understandings: Match essential questions.
  • Learning Outcomes: Uses blooms taxonomy.

Stage 2 (Assessment Evidence)

  • Lacks adequate assessment measures.
  • Provides diagnostic, formative, and summative assessments.
  • Includes an alternative project or performance task assessment and grading rubric.
  • Provides various forms of assessing each concept/learning outcome.
  • Project/performance task assesses each concept; well-designed rubric.

Stage 3

  • Lesson Details: limited
  • Lesson Prep: incomplete materials/safety
  • Differentiation: Lacks suggestions for successful participation of all students.
  • Ineffective in engaging students.
  • lacks an presentation/activity for student discovery.
  • Does not allow students to explain the concepts.
  • No opportunity for students to apply understanding.
  • Does not evaluate whether students achieved lesson outcomes.
  • Lesson Details: Included
  • Lesson Prep: Includes list of materials and appropriate safety.
  • Differentiation: Includes suggestions for providing successful participation or learning for students with special needs.
  • Generates interest; uncovers little of students pre-conceptions.
  • Appropriate presentation/ cooperative activity with questions and anticipated answers to involve students.
  • Includes probing questions, provides definitions if necessary, relates experience to concepts.
  • Elaboration: Provides opportunity for students to apply concepts and connect to the project/performance task.
  • Evaluation: Includes a mechanism for evaluating achievement of individual student learning toward lesson outcomes.
  • Lesson Details: Complete
  • Lesson Prep: Complete materials list and safety considerations.
  • Differentiation: Provides suggestions for successful participation and learning for students with special needs.
  • Generates interest and curiosity; reveals pre-conceptions.
  • Presentation/activities containing probing questions and anticipated responses that involve students
  • Probes for students’ explanation; uses experiences to expand on concepts.
  • Provides opportunity for students to apply/synthesize concepts to performance task.
  • Includes ample mechanisms for evaluating student achievement toward lesson outcomes.

Resources and Background Information

  • Weak learning progression.
  • Provides minimal explanation of the concepts; includes few resources used to create the lesson.
  • Completes a good learning progression.
  • Provides an explanation of the concepts covered in the lesson; Includes some resources used to create the lesson.
  • Completes a detailed learning progression.
  • Provides a thorough explanation of the concepts covered in the lesson; Includes citations for all resources used to create the lesson.

Post-Teaching Reflection

  • Presents a narrative with little/no reflection.
  • Mention of how assessment data helps to improve the effectiveness of the lesson.
  • Attempts to present meaningful reflections that make connections.
  • Somewhat describes how assessment data helps to improve the effectiveness of the lesson.
  • Presents meaningful and creative reflections with advanced connections.
  • Explains how assessment data helps to improve the effectiveness of the lesson.

Active Citizen Center

Prepare an analysis of science kits by focusing on how the kit material meets the six performance standards.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

Active Learning

Coherence and Continuity
Critical/Creative Thinking
Real-world Connections
Understanding of Content

Inerdisciplinary PBL Curriculum Plan


Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

