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SCE 4310 Course Rubrics
Teaching Science in Elementary School (K-6)          Syllabus (pdf)          Schedule          Assignments          Rubrics

Quick Wrties, Activities, & Discussions

Contributes to the learning community by incorporating readings, class activities, and field experiences as the basis for quick writes and discussion focus questions.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations


  • Unclear thoughts with many grammar, usage, or spelling errors
  • Clear presentation of thoughts with several grammar, usage, or spelling errors
  • Well-articulated, clear and concise, well written thoughts with few grammar, usage, or spelling errors

Participation in our learning community

  • Makes limited contributions
  • exhange could lead to undue anxiety or stress
  • Falls short of meeting responsibilities
  • Communicates in a negative or ambiguous manner
  • Displays an indifferent, negative attitude, or unprofessional attitude
  • Makes positive contributions
  • Exchanges ideas/thoughts that encourage understanding
  • Meets assigned responsibilities
  • Communicates possitively
  • Displays a positive attitude.
  • Makes unique contributions
  • Exchanges ideas/thoughts to promote higher quality reasoning and insight
  • Accepts and meets responsibilities
  • Engages in respectful constructive dialogue
  • Communicates professionally and acts in a mature and supportive manner
  • Resolves potential conflicts constructively and profesionally

Relevance of and Expression Within the quick writes, activities, and discussions

  • Demonstrates little evidence for having read the readings
  • Includes little original opinions or thoughts
  • Makes few connections
  • Does little to promote dialogue
  • Demonstrates having read the readings
  • Includes origional ideas that promote some discussion
  • Makes some connections
  • Creastes dialogue by presenting relevant viewpoints
  • Demonstrates having thoroughly read the readings
  • Incorporates original ideas supported with references that promotes discussion
  • Makes advanced connections
  • Creates a dialogue by questioning or validating ideas


Quizzes cover course all materials.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations

  • Submits the quiz after the due date.
  • Submits the quiz on the due date.
  • Submits the quiz before the due date.


  • Answers less than 80% correctly.
  • Answers more than 80% but less than 90% correctly.
  • Answers more than 90% correctly.

Converted Inquiry Lesson

For this assignment, revise a non-5E lesson into a clearly written, error-free, student-centered, hands-on lesson using the 5E model. Write a 1-2 paragraph explanation detailing why and how aspects of the lesson were improved.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations


  • Poor quality
  • Final lesson is less than 2 or more than 5 pages.
  • Neat and readable with some grammatical or typographical errors
  • Final lesson is 2 to 4 pages single-spaced 10 to 12 point font.
  • Well organized and attractively presented with few errors
  • Final lesson is 3 to 5 pages single spaced 10 to 12 point font.

Stage 1 (Desired results)

  • Title//Author/Target Audience: lacking
  • Lesson Description: Limited details of lesson goal
  • Standards: not appropriate
  • Science Process Skill(s): Not specified or linked to learning plan
  • Learning Outcomes: limited understandings and abilities.
  • Title/Author/Target Audience: appropriate
  • Lesson Description: Somewhat details the goal of the lesson
  • Science Process Skills: Denotes specific science process skill(s) that are somewhat linked to the learning plan
  • Learning Outcomes: Defines understandings and abilities aligned to standards
  • Title/Author/Target Audience: creative
  • Lesson Description: Details the goal of the lesson
  • Standards: Includes important key concepts
  • Science Process Skill(s): Denotes specific science process skills linked to learning plan
  • Learning Outcomes: Well-defined understandings and abilities (uses blooms taxonomy) aligned to standards.

Stage 2 (Assessment Evidence)

  • Lacks adequate assessment measures
  • Uses traditional assessments.
  • Provides various forms of assessments
  • Uses alternative assessments
  • Includes good assessment measures aligned to learning outcomes.
  • Provides various forms of assessments for each concept/learning outcome
  • Uses alternative and performance assessments
  • Well-designed assessments linked to learning plan.

Stage 3

  • 5E steps not incorporated correctly and details are limited
  • Lesson Prep: incomplete materials/safety
  • Differentiation: Lacks suggestions for successful participation of all students
  • Engagement: Ineffective in engaging students
  • Exploration: lacks an inquiry-based activity for student discovery
  • Explanation: Does not allow students to explain the concepts
  • Elaboration: No opportunity for students to apply understanding
  • Evaluation: Does not evaluate whether students achieved lesson outcomes.
  • Incorporates 5E components in a somewhat detailed lesson
  • Lesson Prep: Includes list of materials and appropriate safety
  • Differentiation: Includes suggestions for providing successful participation or learning for students with special needs
  • Engagement: Generates interest; uncovers few pre-conceptions
  • Exploration: Somewhat student-centered inquiry-based activity with questions and anticipated answers. • Explanation: Includes probing questions; relates experience to concepts. • Elaboration: Provides opportunity for students to apply concepts. • Evaluation: Includes a mechanism for evaluating student achievement toward lesson outcomes.
  • Incorporates 5E components correctly in a detailed lesson
  • Lesson Prep: Complete materials list and safety considerations
  • Differentiation: Provides suggestions for successful participation and learning for students w/ special needs
  • Engagement: Generates interest and curiosity; reveals pre-conceptions
  • Exploration: Student-centered Inquiry-based activity with probing questions and anticipated responses
  • Explanation: probes for students’ explanation; uses experiences to expand on concepts
  • Elaboration: Provides opportunity for students to synthesize and apply concepts
  • Evaluation: Includes multiple mechanisms for evaluating student achievement toward lesson outcomes.

Resources and Background Information

  • Weak description of the science content
  • Provides minimal explanation of concepts; includes few resources.
  • Briefly describes in detail the science content
  • Provides an explanation of the concepts covered in the lesson; Includes some resources used to create the lesson (including the original lesson plan)
  • Accurately describes in detail the science content
  • Provides a thorough explanation of the concepts; Includes citations for all resources used to create the lesson (inlcuding the original lesson plan)

Rationale for converting the lesson (two paragraphs)

  • Limited rational for modifying the lesson
  • Limited explanation for how the lesson was modified
  • Somewhat provides a one paragraph rationale for modifying the lesson
  • Details minor changes for how the lesson was modified in a second paragraph
  • Provides a one paragraph rationale explaining why the lesson was modified
  • Details major changes to how the lesson was modified/imporoved in a second paragraph

Multi-day Guided Inquiry Lesson

Prepare a guided inquiry multi-day science lesson using the Backward Design framework and 5E principles that meet curricular objectives and state and national standards for some ideas elementary students learn within the lesson. The Lesson contain such elements as: objectives (mapped to state or national standards), a project rationale, the theoretical basis for the project, a learning progression, assessment strategies, related resources, differentiation for students with special needs, technological tools, and background/conceptual content understanding.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations


  • Poor quality
  • Lesson covers less than 3 days.
  • Traditional lesson
  • Final lesson is less than 2 or more than 5 pages.
  • Neat and readable with some grammatical or typographical errors
  • Lesson covers 3 days
  • Guided lesson
  • Final lesson is 2 to 4 pages single-spaced 10 to 12 point font.
  • Well organized and attractively presented with few errors
  • Lesson covers at least 3 days
  • Guided or open lesson
  • Final lesson is 3 to 5 pages single spaced 10 to 12 point font.

Stage 1 (Desired results)

  • Title//Author/Target Audience: lacking
  • Lesson Description: Limited details of how the lesson aligns with the big idea and essential or driving question/activity
  • Standards: not appropriate
  • Science Process Skills: Not specified or linked to learning plan
  • Learning Outcomes: limited understandings and abilities.
  • Title/Author/Target Audience: appropriate
  • Lesson Description: Somewhat details how the lesson aligns with the big idea and the essential or driving question/activity, which drives student learning
  • Science Process Skills: Denotes specific science process skills that are somewhat linked to the learning plan
  • Learning Outcomes: Defines understandings and abilities aligned to standards
  • Title/Author/Target Audience: creative
  • Lesson Description: Details how the lesson aligns with the big idea and the essential or driving question/activity, which drives student learning
  • Standards: Includes important key concepts
  • Science Process Skills: Denotes specific science process skills linked to learning plan
  • Learning Outcomes: Well-defined understandings and abilities (uses blooms taxonomy) aligned to standards.

Stage 2 (Assessment Evidence)

  • Lacks adequate assessment measures
  • Uses traditional assessments.
  • Provides various forms of assessments
  • Uses alternative assessments
  • Includes good assessment measures aligned to learning outcomes.
  • Provides various forms of assessments for each concept/learning outcome
  • Uses alternative and performance assessments
  • Well-designed assessments linked to learning plan.

Stage 3

  • 5E steps not incorporated correctly and details are limited
  • Lesson Prep: incomplete materials/safety
  • Differentiation: Lacks suggestions for successful participation of all students
  • Engagement: Ineffective in engaging students
  • Exploration: lacks an inquiry-based activity for student discovery
  • Explanation: Does not allow students to explain the concepts
  • Elaboration: No opportunity for students to apply understanding
  • Evaluation: Does not evaluate whether students achieved lesson outcomes.
  • Correctly plans a 5E lessons that is somewhat detailed
  • Lesson Prep: Includes list of materials and appropriate safety
  • Differentiation: Includes suggestions for providing successful participation or learning for students with special needs
  • Engagement: Generates interest; uncovers few pre-conceptions
  • Exploration: Somewhat student-centered inquiry-based activity with questions and anticipated answers. • Explanation: Includes probing questions; relates experience to concepts. • Elaboration: Provides opportunity for students to apply concepts. • Evaluation: Includes a mechanism for evaluating student achievement toward lesson outcomes.
  • Incorporates the 5E steps correctly in a detailed lesson
  • Lesson Prep: Complete materials list and safety considerations
  • Differentiation: Provides suggestions for successful participation and learning for students w/ special needs
  • Engagement: Generates interest and curiosity; reveals pre-conceptions
  • Exploration: Student-centered Inquiry-based activity with probing questions and anticipated responses
  • Explanation: probes for students’ explanation; uses experiences to expand on concepts
  • Elaboration/: Provides opportunity for students to synthesize and apply concepts
  • Evaluation: Includes multiple mechanisms for evaluating student achievement toward lesson outcomes.

Resources and Background Information

  • Weak description of the science content
  • Provides minimal explanation of concepts; includes few resources.
  • Briefly describes in detail the science content
  • Provides an explanation of the concepts covered in the lesson; Includes some resources used to create the lesson.
  • Accurately describes in detail the science content
  • Provides a thorough explanation of the concepts; Includes citations for all resources used to create the lesson.

Science Education Thematic Unit Plan

Design a thematic science unit to teach a big idea in a minimum of two weeks (and maximum of six weeks) designed around a problem, challenge, or question to drive student learning. This assignment contains such elements as a detailed overview of the unit (including big idea, graphic organizer, learning progressions, driving activity and calendar), a multi-day inquiry lesson plan, citizen science connections integrating technology, language arts, and mathematics, and references and resource lists.

Does Not Meet Expectations

Meets Expectations

Exceeds Expectations


  • Submission does not comply with the standards
  • Poorly organized and unattractive with several errors
  • Insufficiently clear or concise documentation
  • Neat and readable with some minor errors
  • Sufficient in length to provide clear and concise documentation
  • Well organized and attractively presented with few grammatical
Professional Learning Community
  • Limited attempt to promote positive independence by contributing few or poor suggestions
  • Poor promotive interactions by increasing anxiety and stress levels within the group
  • Lacks accountability/personal responsibility by completing assigned tasks late or not at all
  • Exhibits poor interpersonal and small-group skills by communicating ineffectively or causing group conflicts
  • Limited participation in group processing by making little attempt at improving identified weaknesses
  • Somewhat promotes positive independence by contributing suggestions and good ideas
  • Mostly encourages promotive interactions by striving to achieve mutual goals and not increasing anxiety and stress levels within the group
  • Maintains individual accountability/personal responsibility by completing assigned tasks for the group
  • Uses interpersonal and small-group skills to communicate effectively and not causing group conflicts
  • Participates in group processing by working toward improving weaknesses identified by the group
  • Promotes positive interdependence by being an indispensible group member and making unique contributions
  • Encourages promotive interactions by exchanging ideas/thoughts, providing high quality reasoning and insight, striving to achieve mutual goals, and supplying a moderate level of arousal with low levels of anxiety and stress
  • Maintains individual accountability/personal responsibility by sharing in the lead facilitator role and completing assigned tasks for the group
  • Use of interpersonal and small-group skills communicates accurately and unambiguously, accepts and supports group members, facilitates resolving conflicts constructively
  • Facilitates group processing by identifying group strengths and weaknesses and communicating expectations to the group
Unit Overview
  • Topic, Phenomenon, Causal Story, Big Idea and Another Phenomenon is weak
  • Learning progression and graphic organizer lacks connecting concepts to big idea
  • Lacks a driving activity to drive student learning during the unit of instruction
  • Calendar lacks a reasonable sequence for teaching lessons that sequentially build toward the big idea
  • Topic, Phenomenon, Causal Story, Big Idea and Another Phenomenon is well conceived but lacks flow
  • Good learning progression and graphic organizer somewhat connects concepts to the big idea
  • Includes a driving activity which somewhat drives student learning during the unit of instruction
  • Calendar details a reasonable sequence for teaching lessons within the unit and the number of days to allocate to each concept that builds toward the big idea
  • Topic, Phenomenon, Causal Story, Big Idea and Another Phenomenon is well conceived and cohesive
  • Detailed learning progression and graphic organizer connects major concepts to the big idea
  • Includes a driving activity which involves a problem, challenge, or question that drives student learning throughout the entire unit of instruction
  • Calendar details a logical sequence for teaching lessons within the unit and the number of days to allocate to each concept that builds toward the big idea
Multi-day Inquiry-based Lesson Plan
  • Includes the multi-day inquiry-based lesson plan
  • The lesson lacks moving students toward an understanding of the big idea
  • Includes the multi-day inquiry-based lesson plan
  • The lesson is part of the unit moving students toward an understanding of the big idea
  • Includes the multi- day inquiry-based lesson plan
  • The lesson is an integral part of the unit moving students toward a scientifically acceptable understanding of the big idea
Citizen Science Connection
  • Provides less than three (3) or poorly developed extension activities
  • Students’ use of technology, language arts and math during the activities is minimal
  • Extensions lack a citizen science component
  • Provides three (3) well developed extension activities that may require much assistance
  • Students’ use of technology during the activities is worthwhile, and connects to language arts and math
  • Through the extensions, students are participating in citizen science
  • Provides four (4) detailed extension activities that require as little assistance from the teacher as possible
  • Students’ use of technology during some activities is meaningful and substantial, and connects to language arts and mathematics
  • Through the extensions, students are immersed in a citizen science endeavor
References and Resource List
  • Media: Includes few media
  • Literature: Includes less than 8 science trade books (at least 1 per major concept)
  • Includes a limited list of resources for the unit
  • Provides few references for materials and ideas
  • Media: Includes some media
  • Literature: Includes 8 to 12 science trade books (2 to 3 per major concept)
  • Includes a sufficient list of resources for the unit
  • Provides some references for materials and all non original ideas
  • Media: Includes multiple media (technology, classroom equipment, etc.) for the unit
  • Literature: Includes 12 science trade books (3 to 4 per major concept)
  • Includes an annotated list of resources for the unit (i.e. background and content information)
  • Provides references for all materials and ideas (including all those that are not original)